In this Article, We would like to study about LEV VYGOTSKY SOCIAL CULTURAL THEORY : Vygotsky was a Russian Cognitivist and constructivist psychologist. Vygotsky is familiar as the father of creationism.  He gave social cultural theory and this theory deals with the development and learning of children through society, culture, and language. According to this theory, children learn through group learning, and the development of any child is possible in a social environment only. This theory posited that the cognitive development of any child is possible only through social interaction. According to Vygotsky development is a continuous process (while according to Jean Piaget, the point of view development is a discontinuous process).

Lev Vygotsky stated “Thought not only determines language but also precedes it

Lev Vygotsky mainly focuses on:

                                             1. Social interaction

                                             2. Language

                                             3. Culture

These are the main base of the development of children. Language guides the cognitive development of a child. In Vygotsky’s point of view, language comes first in comparison to ideas and language is a tool that is used to gain knowledge.


There are three types of language:

1. Social Speech

2. Private speech ( Talking to himself/ herself)

3. Silent speech

There are some important terms related to Vygotsky social cultural theory which are given below:

1. Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

To understand the concept of the Zone of proximal development, Let’s assume that a student has knowledge about a particular thing and with the help of others the range of his knowledge in a particular area can be extended to a level after which the student can not gain more knowledge even with support. The range in which he can gain knowledge with support is called the zone of proximal development. In simple words it is a difference between what a child can do with support and without support.

ZPD = What a child can do with support – What a child can do without the support

2. Scaffolding

It’s a temporary helping process. Help to just promote something initially.

For example, when a child learns to cycle, initial support is required to him for balance. That initial temporary help to a child for his balancing is called Scaffolding.

3. More knowledgeable about other (MKO)

To gain knowledge from a person who knows more in that particular area.

Criticism of Vygotsky social cultural theory:

This theory assumes that the changes in the surrounding will automatically lead to a change in the person, but this may not be always true.


Q.1. Social cultural theory is given by

i.  Jean Piaget

ii. Lev Vygotsky

iii. Pavlov

iv. Thorndike

ii) Lev Vygotsky

Q.2. In which of the following points Lev Vygotsky does not focus?

i. Society

ii. Culture

iii. Maturation

iv. Language

iii) Maturation

Q.3. Which of the following is not a suitable pedagogy to promote cognitive development according to Lev Vygotsky?

i. Group learning

ii. Comprehensive discussions

iii. Collaborative Learning

iv. Reproduction and recall

iv) Reproduction and recall

Q.4. Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural theory promotes teaching-learning through?

i. Rewards and punishment

ii. Rote learning

iii. Peer learning and scaffolding

iv. Drill and recall

iii) Peer learning and scaffolding

Q.5. Which of the following is a criticism of Lev Vygotsky’s social development theory?

i.   He performed his experiment on his own children.

ii. He assumed that the changes in surrounding will automatically lead to a change in the person

iii. This theory does not focus on children above 15 years.

iv. He considered the child inactive and like an empty vessel.

ii) He assumed that the changes in surrounding will automatically lead to change in the person

Q.6 Which of the following technique has been proposed by Lev Vygotsky for teaching in primary school students?

i. Scaffolding

ii. Equilibrium

iii. Reinforcement iv. Programmed learning

iv. Programmed learning

.i) Scaffolding

Q.7.In reference to the Lev Vygotsky social cultural theory which of the following teaching-learning strategy is not proposed by Lev Vygotsky?

i. Group learning

ii. Comprehensive discussions

iii. Collaborative Learning

iv. Expository teaching learning

iv) Expository teaching learning

Q.8. A girl named Sita is arranging some pieces of the ball. While arranging the ball, she speaks aloud to direct her own actions. According to Lev Vygotsky the use of such language to self-regulate is called?

i. Silent Speech

ii. Egocentric Speech

iii. Private Speech

iv. Social Speech

iii) Private speech

Q.9. Gita is playing with some toys and she wants to rearrange them in order. She is unable to arrange them in order. Her mother is observing her activity. Her mother provides some hints to her daughter to understand the patterns of the arrangement. According to Lev Vygotsky, this technique of learning will?

i. Make her lazy

ii. Demotivate the learner

iii. not help in learning

iv. act as scaffolding

iv) Act as scaffolding

Q.10. The concept of “ Zone of proximal development” is proposed by?

i.  Jean Piaget

ii. Lev Vygotsky

iii. Pavlov

iv. Thorndike

ii) Lev Vygotsky

Q.11. Which of the following point is not true according to Lev Vygotsky?

i. Learning is a social activity

ii. Development is a continuous process

iii. A child learns through social interaction

iv. None of these

iv) None of these

Q.12. Which of the following psychologist focus on the philosophy of social constructivism?

i.  Jean Piaget

ii. Lev Vygotsky

iii. Pavlov iv. Thorndike

iv. Thorndike

ii) Lev Vygotsky

Q.13. What do you mean by Zone of proximal development?

i.  Development gained during the entire life

ii. It is a difference between what a child can do with support and without support.

iii. The knowledge which is known by a child

iv. The intelligence level the child is protected to be at a given point

ii) it is a difference between what a child can do with support and without support

Q.14. In Lev Vygotsky’s social cultural theory which aspect of development is ignored?

i.  Social aspect

ii. Cultural aspect

iii. Biological aspect

iv. Linguistic aspect

iii) Biological aspect

Q.15.  According to Lev Vygotsky, children learn.

i.  By maturation

ii. By imitation

iii. When reinforcement is offered

iv. By interacting with adults and peers.

iv) By interacting with adults and peers

Q.16. the statement “ Thought not only determines language but also precedes it” was given by?

i.  Jean Piaget

ii. Lev Vygotsky

iii. Pavlov

iv. Thorndike

ii) Lev Vygotsky


What are the three stages of Vygotsky theory?

Answer:  cognitive, motoric, and sociocultural

What is the Vygotsky theory?

Answer: when a child learns to cycle, initial support is required to him for balance. That initial temporary help to a child for his balancing is called Scaffolding

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